Monday, March 21, 2011

[news] Dai-chan is without accident !

I'm so sorry that I've stopped updating this blog.
I was busy with business and, you know, a big earthquake hit the north area of Japan.
So I lost chances to update.

By this earthquake, events Dai-chan would appear on the stage (events of DAISUKE! and Sengoku-Musou) were called off.
But it was announced that he had been without accidents.

In Tokyo, premeditated cutting-off of electric current is enforced.
In the downtown is darker than usual, the full moon looked so beautiful last night.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

[ news & report ] Dear Girl Stories 2011/02/05

Daisuke Sakaguchi appeared in a radio program, Dear Girl Stories.

Dai-chan pretended to be a host of a fake radio program about dinosaurs for cheat his close friend, Hiroshi Kamiya whose birthday had just come.

He speaks about dinosaurs so happily!
He is now studying for the second grade of certificate examination about dinosaurs.
Dai-chan is quite wise in dinosaurs and it confused Kamiya-san.

Friday, February 4, 2011

[ news ] Girls-Style Interview vol.4 2011/02/04

The last article of Girls-Style Interview is uploaded.

Dai-chan talks about his interests; baseball, basketball, visiting remains of Japanese castle and more.
And there is a movie on the 4th page.


Friday, January 28, 2011

[ news ] Girls-Style Interview vol.3 2011/01/27

The third article of Girls-Style Interview is uploaded.

He talks about dating.
... I wanna go to zoos, aquariums, or remains of Japanese castle with Dai-chan as dates!!


Monday, January 24, 2011

[ news ] Girls-Style Interview vol.2 2011/01/20

The second article of Girls-Style Interview is uploaded.

Photos touched me awfully this time, too! 
He is too cool and cute for me to be calm........!!


Friday, January 14, 2011

[ report ] Live Broadcast by Voice Actors Love Battle Spirits 2010/01/12

Daisuke Sakaguchi appeared "Live Broadcast by Voice Actors Love Battle Spirits" on 12th Jan. 2011.

Dai-chan battled with Hisayoshi Suganuma.
Actually Dai-chan is the reason that Suga-pon (the nickname of Suganuma-san) thought to become a voice actor.



[ news ] Girls-Style Interview vol.1 2011/01/13

Daisuke Sakaguchi gave an interview to a game news site for girls, Girls-Style.


Photos on the article are awesome !!
Dai-chan wears blue, so I suppose he answered after the event of Battle Spirits on 12th December 2010.
Then he is soooooooooo cute !!!!

Friday, January 7, 2011

[ news ] Live Broadcast by Voice Actors Love Battle Spirits 2010/01/12

Daisuke Sakaguchi will appear on "Live Broadcast by Voice Actors Love Battle Spirits" (web TV) on Wednesday 22:00 (Japan time).
---> Click the PLAY button on the right side.
       At first, you'll be demanded your age and sex.
       Then, you'll be able to watch the program.

Sunday, January 2, 2011

[ news ] Battle Spirits Brave

Akira Nishimori, the director of "Battle Spirits Brave" talked in an interview, Daisuke Sakaguchi will join recordings from 2011.

Dai-chan played Hideto Suzuri in the former series, "Battle Spirits Shonen Gekiha Dan".
Mr. Nishimori didn't reveal whether Suzuri is appearing again or not.